Friday 26 April 2013

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

I read the book 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' in the holidays, this book was the start of the phenomenon of the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. The setting and the development of the characters has really interested me. My favourite character in the book was Neville Longbottom, his courage and determination has inspired me to face the problems in life instead of avoiding them.

The book was about a boy named Harry Potter discovering the that he was a wizard, he was not just any wizard, he was the reason that Lord Voldemort, the evilest wizard of the time has disappeared. Harry was taken to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to study magic. Voldemort was gone, but not dead, he was seeking a way to gain power again, he was after the Philosopher's Stone, which has the great power of Elixir of life. Harry Potter came across a deadly battle with Voldemort along with the help of his best friends Hermione and Ron.

Just imagine if you were told that you were a wizard or a witch and is invited to attend Hogwarts? How cool would that be!

Stand By Me

After watching the American film 'Stand by Me' filmed in 1986, I found the film very inspiring and moving.

 I really liked one of the characters, his name was Teddy Duchamp. Even though he has a messed up family, his father nearly burnt one of his ears off, he still has a positive personality and he always defended his father if anyone insulted him, he was loyal and helpful to his friends. 

I enjoyed the part in the film when the boys were stranded in the forest, because it was very moving how they helped each other even though it meant putting them selves in danger,  they thought positive through out the journey. There was many funny moments as well, which I really liked. 

The ending was interesting, it shows how important friendships are. You should cherish friendship and life.